Back navigationAppCoins Wallet

How can I back up my wallet?

To back up your Wallet, follow these steps:

1. Go to Manage Wallets in the Settings;

2. Choose the wallet you wish to back up;

3. Tap on Back up wallet;

4. Follow the easy and simple steps. We strongly recommend you choose a password although this step is optional. Please note that the password cannot be modified or recovered and it is impossible to restore your wallet without it.

5. Tap on Back up wallet;

6. Tap on Save backup;

7. Select where you wish to save the file containing your backup file, called keystore. You can save it on your device or even send it to your email.

8. Done!

Note that we recommend that you store your backup file in a trustworthy and safe place, and not share it with other people, as it is the only way to access your wallet.

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